This is what "culture" is all about!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Returning to Italian culture
Tomorrow, I am returning to Italy. Check out these animations that perfectly depict the culture I am going back to. It is a funny, yet fairly accurate representation of the differences between Italians and the rest of Europe. Click on PLAY and enjoy!
This is what "culture" is all about!
This is what "culture" is all about!
Thanksgiving 2(00)8

Before this break, the current Venice teams jointly cooked us all a fabulous Thanksgiving feast at the Settemari Club (see picture). It was truly lucullian!
As I fly back to Venice tomorrow, they will also be returning from their travels to the four corners of Europe. During the 5-day break, this year's students have managed to visit Ireland, Scotland, Switzerland, Greece, Sicily and Barcelona among other destinations.
Venice is truly the omphalos of the world!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Cloudy Words

Monday, November 24, 2008
The Venice Housing Gap
As announced in a prior blog entry, the "Living in Venice" team (actually Stephanie Miskell to give credit where it's really due) has developed the first fully functioning and meaningful "motion chart" (formerly known as gapminder, before being bought by Google). The chart below is fully interactive, albeit constricted by the small space available in the blog. You can find a full-size version in our wiki. You should select an X and Y parameter to display (try for ex. Population vs. % of Homes occupied by non-residents). Then click on the 3 symbols on the chart so that you can see the labels and activate the trails. Then press play on the timeline below to see the actual and predicted data for historical Venice, Mestre (and the mainland) and the Lido (and islands) from 1951 to 2050. You'll notice some very interesting trends! More to come as the 3 Quality of Life groups continue to collect useful statistics...
Friday, November 21, 2008
Municipal Data Objects (MDOs)
We are beginning to see the first tangible results of the effort that four WPI students are conducting in Venice as part of their senior-year thesis in Computer Science (Major Qualifying Project - MQP). Below is a live demonstration of a client application that uses the hidden MDO framework the students have developed, which is the embodiment of the "Birth Certificate" concept at the nitty-gritty level. The MDO framework provides web services which can be called by client applications, such as the one below that displays Venetian Public Art. Click on various parts of Venice to move the circle. Use the slider on the right to vary size of circle. Click on any Mona Lisa icon to see information about the piece of public art. The data, including the pictures, are being served out from a temporary WPI server in Worcester, Massachusetts. It's starting to look really good... Good job Craig, Tim, Justin and Eric!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Synth Filippo and Giacomo
Today, Danice Chou created our first Synth using Microsoft Photosynth. It depicts Campo San Filippo e Giacomo, where we are conducting a detailed study of pedestrian behavior leading to the firts autonomous agent model of pedestrain traffic in Venice, inspired by our paper on the plateatici (= private occupation of public space, such as the outdoor seating for restaurants and cafes), which we presented at a conference in Muenster in 2006.
(Note: the synth only works interactively under Internet Explorer and Firefox. Apologies to Safari and Chrome users...)
First DNA test for the second doge
It took us a little longer than we thought to get this done because we first had to translate the Genographics consent form from English to Italian, but we finally did it! Moreover, our procedure had to first be approved by the WPI Institutional Review Board since we are dealing with human subjects. Having done that, the origins team printed 350 adhesive labels with the secret personal ID codes provided by the Genographics project and also produced a small business card that we can give to those who volunteer for the samples, with instructions on how to use the secret code to access their confidential test results. Over Thanksgiving break, two members of the team will be traveling to Barcelona to visit the Unitat de Biologia Evolutiva at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra where the 300 samples will be analyzed and matched against the large database accumulated thus far by Genographic. During this trip, we plan to deliver the first couple of dozen samples to Dr. Comas in Barcelona, hoping that they can be analyzed before the end of this anniversary term, in time to be included in the team's report as preliminary results of the effort. Immediately after the first DNA sample, the students collected the second one. Can you guess who the second subject was? This is only the beginning!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Joy ning our Alumni network

All that's left for you to do is signing up... See you on our ning!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Gondoliers for Obama
Regardless of your presidential favorite, I think you will find this video entertaining (courtesy of Carol, the sister of my colleague and friend Dave DiBiasio). Venetian creativity is obviously not limited to what we've been able to accomplish in the 20 years of operation of the Venice Project Center... Enjoy!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Wallpapers 2.0

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Pix of the week

Sunday, November 9, 2008
Things have been very busy at the Venice Project Center for the past 3 weeks and this blog has suffered from persistent inattention... There are lots of developments in the works, but not enough time in a day to capture the flow in this blog. Apologies to all. I'll redouble my efforts to keep this up-to-date. I promise. We're almost half way through the anniversary term!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
New face for Dspace

Many thanks are due to Ilan Shomorony for getting Dspace up and running, and for fully populating our Venice Open Archive Digital Repository with all of the Venice Project Center reports (IQPs - Interactive Qualifying Projects). His latest feat has been the redesign of the user interface using Manakin so that the site looks and feels like all our other web pages (thanks to the recurrence of the Venice silouette theme). The site is fully searchable and project titles, authors and abstracts are already publically available. This week, we will manually attach the actual reports, powerpoints and data files to each project entry, so that the entire collection of projects (currently on a web 1.0 page) will be reachable through Dspace. In parallel, we are figuring out how to incoroporate Dspace's RSS feeds into Word Press, so we can automatically populate our Venice2point0 web site. Meanwhile, we are also coordinating with our friend Marko Rodriguez in Santa Fe, so that Knowledge Reef can begin to read in our metadata using the Open Archive Initiative's Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) so users can search our linked data in true 2.0 fashion, using a real semantic web platform.
Thanks a lot Ilan... You have done a wonderful job!
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