Saturday, October 11, 2008

Doge toques eh?

Leave it to Kyle to come up with a "toque" (as he would call it) in the shape of a corno ducale, which was the official hat worn by Venice's doges (like Giovanni Mocenigo in the picture).  Being a true canuck (from Halifax), he created this line of doge toques for the Venice 2.0 anniversary.

I want one! 
(should we add the ear protectors?)
Now we just have to figure out how to fab them out.  We already have a few designs at zazzle and cafepress, but even their most advanced  customization options don't seem to even remotely contemplate anything as unusual as these designs.  I somehow doubt that even threadless, styleshake or spreadshirt would allow such radical departure from the traditional woolen skullcap.  Maybe - just maybe - ponoko might do it...  it's worth a try.
Let this be our collective challenge!  I will buy a free hat for anyone who can figure out how to get it produced via a web 2.0 fab shop.  I would love to wear one this term B in Venice...  waiting for the big two-four...